Resin8TM is a new proprietary enhanced resin formula that provides significantly improved properties to our products over previously used resins.
Resin8TM is a new proprietary enhanced resin formula that provides significantly improved properties to our products over previously used resins.
Exclusive to American Bath Group, the new Resin8TM enhanced resin formula has been tested and perfected over several years, and is now being used across all our AKER AcrylXTM products.
The enhanced core strength and flexibility of the products comes from the Resin8TM resin formula, which saturates the fiberglass strands and locks them together to build the base structure of the units.
Download our FAQ guide to understand the new Resin8™ product innovation and help answer all your questions.
To know if a product is enhanced with Resin8TM, simply look at the backing of the unit. All products manufactured with our new enhanced resin formula, Resin8TM, now feature a dark charcoal color backing, instead of the blue AKER backing used in the past.